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Friday, February 21, 2025


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This page has been created for the benefit of all the students in Sri Lanka.
All the activities and worksheets are free
Sajendra Kumara
Dear students and friends ,
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Sajendra Kumara 
๐Ÿ‘งEnglish papers for OL English 2024(25) Ministry of Education
๐Ÿ‘‰Western Province Grade 11 Third term 2024 English Paper part 1
Western Province Grade 11 Third term English Paper 2024 part 2
๐Ÿ‘‰ OL English Unit Wise Activities Collection
๐Ÿ‘Š Model English Papers for OL ( 19 papers)
OL English Paper 2023(24) Paper -1
OL English Paper 2023(2024) marking scheme

๐Ÿ‘จ Sapelata Saviyak Western Province OL result enhancement paper book for 2023(2024). All papers included with answers.
Free down load. ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ‘‰ An activity paper for double bar graphs
      free down load here
๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ OL English Paper - 2022(2023) Paper -1 
           OL English Paper -2022(2023) paper -2
           Marking Scheme  2022(2023)

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ฉ Way to Win: Describing Pie Charts for OL (PDF)
๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„ Way to Win: Describing Bar Graphs for OL
            W/P OL results enhancement programme 2023
            Describing Bar Graphs for OL  
     ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ model answers here ๐Ÿ‘‡
                  Describing Graphs for OL

๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ‘ฆ Way to Win: Writing Formal letter for OL
           Western Province OL results enhancement programme
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ผ Way to Win: Writing Informal letters FOR OL
             Western Province Results Enhancement Programme
              Writing Informal Letters OL 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Way to Win: Writing Paragraphs for OL
       Western Province Results Enhancement Programme
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ฒ Grade 10 Term 1 Western Province 2019 ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ‘ Way to Win Model Answer Sheet for Invitations
      prepared by Sajendra Kumara  ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ’• Writing Invitations: Way to Win Part - 3
             Western Province OL results enhancement 2023๐Ÿ‘‡ pdf
       Writing a personal note:
Watch Video here๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ‘‰OL Western Province Results Enhancement Programme 2023
     Way to Win: Writing notices.
๐Ÿ‘‰OL Western Province Results Enhancement Programme 2023
Writing a personal note worksheet pdf

Notice 01
Imagine you are the secretary of the English Literary Association. The Association has organized a debate on 'The Social Media'. Write a suitable notice to be put up on the notice board. Include date and time of the debate and the purpose of organizing it.
Model: 1
A debate on 'The Social Media' will be held in the College Main Hall on 17/09/2017 at 10 a.m. The purpose of organizing the debate is to create awareness among the students on the advantages and disadvantages of ' Social Media'. All are invited. 
15/09/2017                                     Secretary                                                                                           English Literary Association   
Model: 2
The English Literary Association of Udawalyagama School has organized a debate on 'The Social Media'. It will be held in the College Main Hall on 15th Sept. at 10 a.m. The purpose of this is to help children improve their English language skills. All the Grade 11 students are requested to participate in it. 
10/09/ 2017                                   Secretary
                                                      English Literary Association
         A debate on Social Media
         Date: 11 / 09 / 2017
         Time: 10 a.m. 
         Venue: College Main Hall
         Purpose: Create an awareness on 'The Social Media'
                     All are invited
           09/09/2017              Secretary
                                           English Literary Association 
๐Ÿ˜‘Note: A notice of this type though is more practical than the above two of Models 1 and 2 does not get more than 2 marks.

The above ๐Ÿ‘† module contains all types of test activities for Question - 6 of the OL English paper. It can easily be used as a handbook for classroom teaching or as a self-study guide. 
Contents of the Graphs book

Notice: 2 
Imagine the Prefects' Guild of your school has organized a guest speech on 'Vandalism in Schools'. As the head prefect of your school write a suitable notice to be put up on the school notice board. Include
* Date * Time * Venue * The guest speaker * Who can participate. 
Model: 1
A guest speech on 'Vandalism in Schools' will be held in the college main hall on 12th Sept. at 10.30 a.m. The guest speaker will be the OIC of the Veyangoda police station. All the prefects are requested to participate in it. 
10/09/2017                                           Head Prefect
                                                             Prefects' Guild
Model: 2 (with the help of the istructions in the notice. )
The Prefects' Guild of Randunu Maha Vidyalaya has organized a guest speech on 'Vandalism in Schools'. It will be held in the college main hall on 15th Sep. at 10 a.m. The guest speaker will be Prof. Ariyawansa of the University of Peradeniya. All the students from Grade 9 to 11 are requested to participate in it. 
10/09/2017                                                Head Prefect
                                                                  Prefects' Guild
Model: 3
                                           Guest Speech  
                       Date: 19 / 09 / 2017
                       Time: 10 a.m.
                       Venue: Main Hall
                      Topic: Vandalism in Schools
                  Guest Speaker: The OIC, 
                                           Veyangoda, Police Station 
                All the Grade 11 students are invited
                10/09/2017                               Head Prefect
                                                                 Prefects' Guild           
Date posted on 10.09.2017
Notice :3
Imagine the Health Society of your school has organized a shramadana campaign to clean up the school premises. As the secretary of the Health Society write a suitable notice to be put up on the college notice board. 
Include: * date * time * things to bring etc. 

A shramadana campaign to clean up the school premises will be held on the 15th of Sept. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All the students from Grade 9 to 11 are requested to participate with parents. You are kindly requested to bring some tool like a mammoty, a knife , a scythe etc. with you. Refreshments will be provided. 

10/09/2017                                                Secretary 
                                                                  Health Society

A notice for OL
Model 2: 
The Health Society of Rathgama Maha Vidyalaya has organized a Shramada campaign to clean up the school premises. It will be held on 10/09/2017 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All the members of the Health Society are requested to participate. You are kindly requested to bring some tool with you. Refreshments will be provided.

05 / 09 / 2017                                                Secretary 
                                                      Health Society
๐Ÿ‘‰OL Essay| Regular Exercises 

Notice: 4 
Imagine the Environment Society of your school has organized a Tree Planting Campaign. As the secretary of the society write a suitable notice to be put up on the school notice board. Include date, time ,venue , purpose and the chief guest. 

Model 1: 
A Tree Planting Campaign will be held at Udawalayagama Maha Vidyalaya on 14th Sept. at 10.30 a.m. The purpose of this is to mark the 70th anniversary of the school. The chief guest will be the Minister of Education. A large number of valuable plants will be distributed on this day. All the students, past pupils and parents are invited to attend it.  

10/09/2017                                                  Secretary 
                                                                    Environment Society

Model: 2 
The Environment Society of Ranpokunagama Maha Vidyalaya has organized a Tree Planting Campaign. It will be held at the college grounds on 15th Sept. at 10 a.m. The purpose of this is to celebrate the National Environment Day. The chief guest will be the Director of Education. All the students and parents are requested to participate in it. 

10/09/2017                                                  Secretary 
                                                                    Environment Society 

Model 3
       A Tree Planting Campaign 
       Date:12 / 09 / 2017
       Time: 10 a.m. 
       Venue: At the College Grounds
       Purpose: to celebrate the Environment Day 
       Chief Guest: The Director of Education 
                    All are invited
       10/09/2017                   Secretary 
                                             Environment Society

Notices for OL/ Model notices 
Notice 5:  
The Home Science Unit of your school has organized a Food Fair to raise funds for the college home science unit. Write a suitable notice to announce this. Include date , time , venue and the types of food available for sale. 
Model 1
A Food Fair will be held in the college main hall on the 12th of August from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The purpose of this is to collect funds for the home science unit. 
Food available for sale: 
           * cake             * Indian recipes   
           * pastry           * traditional recipes
           * fruit juice
                           All are invited 
10/08/2024                                                    Home Science Unit
Model 2
A Food Fair has been organized in our school to collect funds for the home science unit. It will be held in the college main hall on the 11th of August from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A variety of food items like cake, traditional food , Indian recipes , fruit juice etc. will be available for sale. All are invited. 

01 / 08 / 2024                                              Home Science Unit
                                                                    Jayamal Vidyalaya
Model 3
               A  Food Fair held in aid of the Home Science Unit
     Date: 9 Aug. 2024
     Time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
     Venue: Main Hall
     Food Items Available
     *Cake *Traditional Food *Pastries 
     *Indian recipes
      (Entrance free)                         
                              All are invited to this event.
   01/08/2024                                               Home Science Unit
                                                                    Vidyaloka College
A notice for OL / Model Notices
Notice 6:
As the secretary of the Buddhist Society of your college write a suitable notice for a meeting for all the members. include the following. 
Date / time / venue / purpose 
Model 1
A meeting for all the members of the Buddhist Society will be held in the college main hall on the 12. 03.2024 at 10 a.m. The purpose of this is to discuss the Vesak Sheela Campaign. All the members are requested to participate in this meeting. 
10/03/2024                                                      Secretary
                                                                        Buddhist Society
Model 2
The Buddhist Society requests all the members to be present for a meeting in the college main hall on the 12/03/2024 at 10 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Vesak Sheela Campaign. Your participation necessary to make the event a success. 
10/03/2024                                                     Secretary
                                                                       Buddhist Society
Model 3
A meeting to discuss the Vesak Sheela Campaign has been organized by the Buddhist Society. It will be held in the college main hall on the 12/03/2024 at 10 a.m. All the members of the Buddhist Society are requested to participate in this meeting. 
10/03/2024                                                     Secretary
                                                                       Buddhist Society
Model 4
To all the members of the Buddhist Society
A special meeting to discuss the Annual Vesak Day programme will be held in the college main hall on the the 13 / 03 / 2024 at 10 a.m. You are kindly requested to participate in this meeting to make to programme a success. 
 10/03/2024                                                    Secretary
                                                                       Buddhist Society

๐Ÿ’› Personal Notes: 1
Write a note to one of your friends inviting him or her to a dinner party at your home. Request your friend to bring the camera. 

Model 1

There is a dinner party at our home tomorrow at 7 p.m. because my father is going abroad the 14th of this month .Hope you would come. Come with your brother. Please bring your camera. 
Model 2
Come to a dinner party at my home on the 14th at 7 p.m. It is my parents' wedding anniversary on the 14th. Come with your brother. Please don't forget to bring your video camera. 

Personal notes: 2 
Write a note inviting a friend to see the cultural show at your school. Include the date, time and venue. Mention that you are also participating in an item. 

Model: 1 
Hi! There is a cultural show at our school on 17.09.2017 at 10 a.m. I am also participating in a drama. Hope you would come. Don't forget to bring your video cam. 

Model: 2
Come to see the cultural show at our school on 17.09.2017 at 10a.m. Come with your brother. I am also participating in a group song. 


Personal Notes 3
Imagine you forgot your umbrella on a visit to your friend's home. Write a note requesting your friend to send it to school with your friend's sister. Mention where you kept it.

I forgot my umbrella yesterday at your home. I kept it on the stool in the verandah. Please send it to school with your sister. It is my elder sister's umbrella. 
Personal Notes 4 
Kasun forgot his science note book at Malan's home yesterday. Write a note to Malan requesting him to bring it to school. Mention where you kept it. 

Model: 1
I forgot my science note book at your home yesterday. It is on your reading table where we did the homework.  Please bring it to school tomorrow. If you are not coming please send it with your brother. 

Personal Notes 5 
Imagine a friend of yours has invited you to a birthday party, but you are unable to attend it. Write a note refusing the invitation. Include a reason. 

                                                                                     14th Sept.
Thank you very much for your invitation. But I am sorry I am unable to attend the party because I am going on a trip to Katharagama on that day. I will visit you later. Happy Birthday!
Personal Notes 6
A friend of yours has invited you to see the Science exhibition at his or her school. Write a note refusing the invitation. Include a reason. 

                                                                                    14th Sept.
Thank you for your invitation to see the Science exhibition at your school. But I cannot come to see it as I am going on a three day family trip to Nuwara Eliya. Well, take photos of your exhibit. I can see it as soon as I return. 

Personal Notes 7
Imagine your friend Aruni has invited you to a lunch party. Write a note accepting the invitation. 
                                                                                  14th Sept.
Hi! Thank you so much for your invitation. I am coming to your party on the 16th. I am coming with my brother. I will bring video cam, too. Till then bye. 
๐Ÿ‘‰ Model Activity Paper ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Personal Notes 8

You visited your friend Gayan's home to borrow his English essay book but your friend was not at home. Write a note to be left with his mother. Mention that you are coming back next Sunday morning. 

                                                                                        14th Sept.
I visited your home to borrow your English essay book , but you were not at home. I am coming back next Sunday morning. Hope you would be at home. 
Personal Notes 9
Manoj visited his friend Nalin's home last week to borrow his friend's Science note book. But his friend was not at home. He left a note with Nalin's mother. Imagine you are Manoj and write the note Manoj left with his friend's mother. Request your friend to send the book to school with his sister. 

                                                                                         15th Sept.
Hi! I visited your home to borrow your Science note book. But you were not at home. Please send the book to school with your sister. I will return it soon. 
Venn Diagram

Personal Note 10   
You have after school sports practices today. Write a note to your mother to be sent with the school van driver. Request your mother to come to pick you. Mention a time. 

I have after school sports practices today. Sorry for not being able to inform you. There is a volleyball match next Saturday. Please come to pick me at 4 p.m. Be near the school gate.

Personal Note 11
A friend of yours has sent you a set of note books and model question papers for G.C.E.[O/L] examination. Write a note thanking him/her. You may use the following. Use around 50 words. [ W/P ]
    *Thank him /her  *Mention how useful they will be

                                                                                 21th April
I received your set of note books and model question papers for the O/L examination. I received them yesterday. Thank you very much for sending them. I really was looking for some notes and past papers. They will be very useful to me. I will return them after the examination. 
Personal Notes 12
You went to Saman's place who studies at a different school to discuss the forthcoming GCE(O/L) Examination. Accidentally you have left your collection of past papers at his home. Write a note to him to be sent through his sister who studies at your school requesting him to send them as soon as possible. Suggest a way of returning the set of papers to you. 

                                                                                    14th May
Hi. I have left my collection of past papers at your home. I left them on your reading table. It contains about 15 past papers. I need them for the English class. Can you send them to me with your sister? Please don't forget it. I will visit you again next Sunday.

Writing personal note: Video ๐Ÿ‘‡

Personal Notes 13  
Notice 5 ( O L 2016) 
You are the secretary of the young photographers' club in your school and the members have organized an exhibition at the term end. Your teacher wants you to write a notice to be put up on the school notice board inviting the teachers and the students to see the exhibition. Use around 40-50 words. 
Include - date, time, venue
             - who the chief guest is
             - exhibits, photos on wild life, birds, waterfalls etc. 
The young photographers' club of Randunu Vidyalaya has organized an exhibition at the term end. It will be held in the college main hall on the 01st of April from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The chief guest will be the Director of Education, Gampaha. You will be able to see a large collection of photos on waterfalls, wild life , birds etc. All the teachers and students are invited. 

25/03/2020                                         Secretary 
                                                           Young Photographers' Club

Personal notes: 11 / Model personal notes for OL
Imagine you cannot attend after school netball practices today as you have a severe headache. Write a note of excuse to be sent to the teacher in charge netball. Mention that you will attend the practices next day. 

Dear teacher, 
I cannot attend (am unable to attend) after school netball practices today as I have a severe headache( feel a bit under the weather)  . I will attend the practices next day. Please excuse my absence. 
                                                                           Nayomi  Kumari
                                                                          Grade 10

Personal Note: 12 O/L / Model Personal Notes 

A friend of yours in another school borrows your English Literature note book, but your friend forgets to return it. Write a note to your friend reminding him/her of the book. Request your friend to return it as you have got some assignment to complete. 
Include : when he borrowed . 
Model 1
                                                                                18th Sept
You borrowed my English Literature note book last Wednesday. However, you haven't returned it yet. I have got some assignments to complete before the next class. Can you bring it to Maths class tomorrow? 
Model 2
                                                                                18th Sept.
I am writing this note to remind you of my English Literature note book which you borrowed last week. You haven't returned me it yet. I want it soon to complete some assignment. Can you make some arrangement to send me it as early as possible? 
Model 3
It seems you have forgotten to return my English Literature note book which you borrowed last week. I have got some assignment to complete before the next class. Hope you would return it before Thursday. Please don't misunderstand me. 


                            ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OL
Let's write announcements for OL/ Model announcements 

Announcements: 1
Read the following announcement and answer the questions. 

Attention please! This is a special announcement for all the students. A Shramadana Campaign will be held at our school tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The purpose of this campaign is to protect you from dengue which is fast spreading around the school area. So you are kindly requested to come prepared for this important task. Your class teachers will inform you further details. Thank you!

1. What is the announcement about? ………………………………………….
2. Who is the announcement for ? …………………………………….
3. How long will the campaign be held? ………………………………………..
4. Why has it been organized? ………………..
5. What is the request made to children?  ............................

Announcement 2 Complete the following announcement.

Attention please! This announcement is  1)______ all the students. The college has 2)_____ to help a remote underdeveloped 3)______ in the North Central Province. So you are kindly 4)______ to donate stationery, other school items and 5)_______ suitable for a college library 6)______ the 20th of this month. You can hand over your 7)______ to your sectional heads. Cash 8)______ are not accepted. The college 9)_______ you to help make this magnanimous 10)_______a success. Thank you!  

   [books - decided - requested -  requests – before - project - donations - for  - schoolitems ]

Announcement: 3
Announcement 4

Announcement 5
Announcement : 6 ( Railway announcement) 
Attention please! The Udaratamenike Express train on No: 6 platform will leave for Kandy at 2 p.m. It will stop at Maradana , Gampaha , Veyangoda , Polgahawela and at all the stations beyond. Thank you! 
Announcement : 7 ( Railway Announcement) 
Attention please! This is Colombo Fort Railway Station. The Yaldevi Express train scheduled to arrive at 3 p.m. to No. 4 platform will be delayed by one hour. We regret any inconvenience caused. Thank you! 
Announcement: 8 (Railway Announcement) 
Attention please! The Tikirimenike Express train scheduled to leave for Galle at 2 p.m. from No 5 platform will be delayed by 30 minutes. It will now leave at 2.30 p.m. and will reach Galle at 4 p.m. Thank you!   

                                     LOST NOTICES
Activity 1: 

You can write a lost notice as given above. However, though it is more short and precise it does not 
carry full marks: ( maximum 2)  
Activity 2

Activity 3
Activity 4 
Activity 5
Activity 6
Imagine you lost a book borrowed from the college library. Write a 
notice to be put up on the school notice board. Use around 40 words. 
Include: date / time / venue / the details of the book etc. 
                                   FOUND NOTICES
Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3
Found Notice
Activity 4:

OL : Writing invitations:  

Invitation: For OL  / Model Answer 
(2) The Home Science Unit of your school has organized a Food 
      Exhibition. As a member of the organizing committee design a 
      suitable  invitation for all the parents. Include: date / time
Model personal note for OL

A personal note for OL | model personal note 

    Personal note| Model 

Next ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘‰

Content of the Graphs book

                    NOT THE END
    To be continued ....Keep in touch
 Leave a note after using .....




Unknown said...

Thanks you sooooooo much sir. Best.

Nuwan said...

Thank you sir.Great work.

namindu said...

great job sir. thank you..

Unknown said...

Thank you sir.great work sir

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

sir this note/notice many usefull and important ol students

Unknown said...

this is very useful to teach the students . we are really greatful to you. god bless you for your hard work

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir...

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot❤️❤️

Unknown said...

Thank you sir

Unknown said...

Thank you sir

Aboo said...

Great work sir.thanks.

Unknown said...

Thank you sir...

MMK said...

Writing notice in bullet form and small paragraph, which is suitable

Sajendra Kumara said...

Both formats are accepted. However, since the bullet form contains less words or less than the required number OF words it is most likely receive under 3 marks.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much sir!

Unknown said...

Write a note to your friend asking her to meet you to visit your class teacher in the hospital. Use about 50 words

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This is marvellous sir
This is very useful for us
Thank you Thank you thank you soooooooooo much sir ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir great job

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir

Anonymous said...

Thankyou sir

Anonymous said...

Great work sir.Thank you so much for your support

Anonymous said...

Anee thank u so much Sir

Anonymous said...

Thankn you

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, Sir!

Anonymous said...

Thanks sir Very useful for me

Anonymous said...

This site is very useful . Thank you sir

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot


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