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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Valuable Thoughts in English

Valuable Thoughts In English

Marriage Quote
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Time is a precious thing. Time and age go hand in hand. There is no time to hang on to things that cannot control or change. There is no point in worrying about them. Do what is within your reach. 

Be bold and face the challenge. You may not succeed each step you proceed but keep on doing without giving up. Think of all the great people in the world. Every one of them succeeded in life because they did not give up.  
Make reading the best pastime in life. The gains of reading is far reaching and the value it adds to your life cannot be explained in a few words. With the advent of technology reading has drifted away from the younger generation. The collapse of moral values in the younger generation is partly due to the deviation of the child from the book.  

Winners of a debate. 

Join Sajendra to travel around the island. This web page has been created to make our children aware of the important places in the island and improve your knowledge. It will also help you improve your knowledge of English language. Log in today it self. 

Memory Lane

     Sajendra Kumara



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