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English Essays for O L                                                       
Sajendra Kumara Video Channel
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Author: Sajendra Kumara, a teacher of English working at a government school at Nittambuwa.

(now updated with 60+ essays)


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Computer: is it a friend or foe?

A computer is an ordinary household item in the modern world. It is no more a luxury item people can boast of. Almost every house and work place has a computer. It is an essential thing for most of our work. For example, a bank cannot carry out its work without computers. They use a computerized system for transactions. 
Computers make our work easy. They help us do our work fast. Also we can do our work accurately by using a computer. A computer never feels tired because it is a machine. So we can use a computer long hours on end. 
The internet is the main source of knowledge in the modern world. We need a computer to access the internet. So a computer can bring the whole world to our doorstep. 
But sadly a computer has disadvantages, too. Some people  misuse this valuable equipment. They use it for various illegal activities: money laundering, making fake documents, tarnishing the image of people etc. 
On the other hand computers make people lethargic and blunt. It steals creativity from man. In the modern world people depend on computers for every small work. Hence it makes people dull and lazy. 
Children use computers for playing games. They spend long hours with the computer. It makes children lazy and sick. They become less interactive with the society. As a result children become very aggressive. 
A computer is a good servant but a bad master. It is man himself that makes a computer his friend or foe.
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Sajendra Kumara 
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Sajendra Kumara
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A Folk Story

                       How Andare ate sugar

Once upon a time there lived a man called Andare. He was a court jester. His job was to keep the king happy. He was a very clever man. Andare was married and had a son. 

One day, Andare was talking with the king in the royal garden. Then he saw some white sugar spread on a mat. His mouth watered to see the sugar. He had not tasted sugar for sometime. Sugar was a royal delicacy at that time. Andare decided to fool the king and eat some sugar. 
Andare asked the king  "your Highness, what's that white stuff on the mat?" The king replied "That's some white sand, Andare" 
Andare went home and told his plan to his son. His son was also as clever as Andare. On the other hand his son had not tasted sugar before. 
The following morning Andare was talking with the king in the royal garden. They were standing near the mat on which there was the sugar. Suddenly Andare's son came crying. 
Andare   asked ,"What's the matter my son?" 
His son replied " father mother has just died". 
Then Andare fell on his knees on the mat crying , "what's the use of this life without my wife. My son, let there be sand in our mouths" 
Both of them rolled over the mat eating as much sugar as possible. 
The king realized Andare's plan.

Sajendra Kumara

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Vandalism [ 01 ] 
Essay plan
1. What is vandalism? 
2. The forms of vandalism.
3. Where does it occur?
4. Who do it? 
5.  Why does it happen? 
6. How can we prevent it?
7. closing.
Destruction of public property is a common problem in the world. It costs any government billions of dollars. This is known as vandalism. It means the deliberate destruction of public property. Vandalism is an offence punishable by the law. It really is a senseless crime. 
There are different forms of vandalism. Spray painting, scribbling , scratching , defacing etc. are some common forms of vandalism. Altering the details in a personal web site is one other form of vandalism. 
Vandalism occurs mostly in public places. Vandalism often occurs in schools. Beside schools vandalism can also be seen in public transport services, libraries , historical sites etc. 
According to researches most of the vandals are teenagers. Both boys and girls engage in vandalism. However there is a tendency for vandalism among boys than girls. Usually, elderly people are rarely found engaged in vandalism. 
Then why do people engage in this senseless act?.  One can find different causes for vandalism. It can be the result of peer group pressure or a simple act of fun. Lack of meaningful activities can also be a cause of vandalism. Besides them, frustration and anger can also influence a person towards vandalism. 
Then how can this crime be prevented? The best method to prevent vandalism is self discipline. Also the young must be educated on the negative effects of vandalism.  It can be done at home, school or religious places. However there should be strict laws as well to prevent vandalism. The colleges can organize meaningful activities for young people to engage in so that children develop a sense of belonging. 
Vandalism is an individual act but its cost has to be borne by every one. 
Sajendra Kumara
Sbec - Nittambuwa
'When Pigs Fly' : A video presentation by Sajendra. Watch and share. 

Diagnostic Book 4: Targeted Question Papers with Answers

Vandalism in Schools
(an article to a college magazine)
Essay Plan:
1. What is vandalism?
2. What is school vandalism?
3. Where does it happen?
4. Forms of school vandalism.
5. Who does it?
6. Why do they do it?
7. How can we prevent it?
8. Conclusion 

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Vandalism in Schools
Vandalism means deliberate destruction of public property. It is a punishable crime in any country. Vandalism could be identified as a common problem in the society. It is a growing national problem. 
Vandalism can occur in different places like schools, parks, public transport services etc. Vandalism mostly happens at school. It is known as school vandalism. Defacing, spray painting, scratching, scribbling etc. are some forms of school vandalism. 
School vandals mostly vandalize class room desks and chairs. It is a common sight in any school. Children scribble on desks, notices, charts and walls in the class rooms. The canteen , the main hall, the library, the laboratory and the toilets are the other places of school vandalism. 
Mostly children from Grade 9 to 11 vandalize the school property. It should be noted that both girls and boys alike engage in vandalism. However, one could argue that the tendency for vandalism is a little higher among the boys than the girls. Usually children in lower classes do not do it for fear of punishments.
Why does school vandalism happen? It can happen due to various reasons. Frustration, anger, fun , peer group pressure etc. are some causes for school vandalism.
Then how can we prevent school vandalism? First the college must take steps to cultivate positive attitudes in children. They must be educated on the harmful effects of vandalism. Children must have meaningful activities to do at school. Also the college must monitor the school property regularly. Class teachers and monitors can play a big role in preventing school vandalism. 
Vandalism usually starts at school. So school is the best place to put an end to this senseless crime.
                                 Ruchith Thamuditha
                                  Grade 11 A

Sajendra Kumara

5)                      Tourism in Sri Lanka

Tourism is the main source of income of most of the countries in the world today. Tourism means travelling for pleasure. People also travel for religious, business and educational purposes. Man always has a desire for travelling. With the development of different modes of transport facilities tourism has turned into a major industry. It is a top income earner in the modern world. 

Sri Lanka being a tropical island with a long history has better opportunities for tourism. The diversity in nature and the rich Buddhist culture provide a suitable environment for tourism.
Sri Lanka is no more a war ravaged country today. She is a peaceful nation today. A visitor can travel anywhere in the island without fear. The good road network is another advantage. They save the time of the tourist. 
There is a rich cultural heritage in Sri Lanka. The ancient cities like Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa bear witness to this. Even in the ancient times Sri Lanka was a popular tourist attraction. 
Sri Lanka is gifted with natural beauty. There are golden beaches, rainforests, waterfalls etc. The visitor gets a rare experience here.
Tourism is a solution for most of the economic problems of the country. It creates many job opportunities. The development of infrastructure facilities is another advantage. 
But there are disadvantages, too. Child abuse, narcotic drugs, prostitution, environmental pollution etc. are a few of them. 
With better management tourism can be made a blessing for our country. 
Sajendra Kumara
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The Goal in my life
Every one has a goal in life. It is the ultimate aim in life. An aimless man never succeeds in life. He cannot prosper in life. However goals are different from person to person. 
The goal in my life is to serve people. Specially, I like to help children. So the goal in my life is to be a teacher. I wish to be a teacher of English. I think it is the noblest profession in the world.
I need to work hard to achieve my goal. I need long preparation for that. I need to dedicate my time and energy towards that. I need to improve my knowledge of English, too. I have to attend classes and read a lot. I will pass the AL exam and enter the College of Education. 
After becoming a teacher I will serve in a remote area. I wish to work in a small school and help those poor children. I will teach them English language very well. I will teach them after school, too. 
 I always think of my goal. I will become a teacher and serve the mankind the best I could. 

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Sajendra Kumara


              The World In The Year 3000

The world in the year 3000 will be a strange place beyond our imagination. It will look more like an alien planet we see in movies. 

It will probably be a world where machines do most of the work. There will be less human activity. So the future man will be less physically active. 

The whole world will be under one flag. There will be only one leader for the whole world. Most probably China will rule the world in the year 3000. Man will speak only one language. It will be Mandarin. As a result, there won't be any war in the world. 
Scientists will be able to make astonishing discoveries. They will invent flying cars. Man will fly freely in the sky. They will tour in other planets and make holiday resorts on the moon.
Children will not go to school in the year 3000 as they do today. They will learn at home using the internet. Future children will use e-books and e-pens for writing. The children will be more intelligent than today. However, as they spend most of their time with electronic gadgets they will be less sociable than the child today.
Man's life span will exceed 120. The future man will enjoy better health facilities. They will be free from AIDS and many other deadly diseases like cancer.
Man will not cook food. Instead they will take food pills for all the three meals. So future houses will not have a kitchen. 
Sadly most of the animals we see today will disappear forever from the planet earth. But scientists will be able to bring back to life some of the extinct animals like dinosaurs. 
The world in the year 3000 will be a wonderful place to live.
Sajendra Kumara


             The Person Who Inspired Me Most

There are many famous people in the world. People can be famous for different reasons. Some people excel in some field and become famous. There are famous scientists, actors , inventors , sportsmen etc. Among them the person who inspired me most was a freedom fighter. He was none other than Mahathma Gandhi. 

Mahathma Gandhi was born in India. He was born in 1869. According to the Hindu customs Gandhi married at an early age. Later he went to England for his higher studies and became a lawyer. Then he went to South Africa and started the journey of his life as a lawyer. 

Gandhi returned to India, his motherland and joined the freedom struggle. He wanted to free his country from the British. He saw how his countrymen were suffering at the hands of the British. However, Gandhi did not encourage people to take up arms against the white men. His campaigns were non violent. He organized massive protest campaigns against the British rule in India. 

Gandhi wanted to make India self sufficient. He encouraged people to cultivate what they wanted in their home gardens. Also he told people to make their own clothes. He himself practised what he told his people. 

However this great person died an unnatural death. He was shot dead by an Indian on the 30th January 1948. But Mohandas Gandhi still remains in our hearts as a true leader.  

Sajendra Kumara

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General English support Activities


                      A famous tourist destination in Sri Lanka

There are many famous tourist destinations in Sri Lanka. Galle, Trinco, Nuwara Eliya etc are some of them. Among them Nuwara Eliya is the most popular tourist destination in Sri Lanka. 

Nuwara Eliya is situated in the central hills. It is also known as little England. It is a beautiful town surrounded by mountains. 

There are beautiful waterfalls in Nuwara Eliya. The waterfalls enhance the beauty of Nuwara Eliya. The waterfalls attract the tourists. 

There is a cool climate in Nuwara Eliya. The temperature always stands below 15 degrees. The mist covered mountains create a beautiful sight. The large tea estates add more beauty to this cool environment. 

Flowers and Nuwara Eliya are intertwined. There are beautiful flowers in every nook and corner of Nuwara Eliya. There are flowers along the roads and in every garden. The Haggala Botanical garden is one of the oldest flower gardens in Sri Lanka. 

Horton plains is also situated in Nuwara Eliya. There is a unique environment in the Horton Plains. The World's End is a popular attraction in the Horton Plains. There are many endemic plant species in the Horton Plains. The Bakers Falls is also situated in the Horton Plains. 

Nuwara Eliya is the most favourite holiday resort in Sri Lanka. 

Sajendra Kumara

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                             The Devon Falls

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10)                          Challenges make us strong.
A challenge is an experience that one has never faced before. Challenges are an important part of everyday life. Challenges keep us living. The success of one's life depends on how one faces challenges. 
Challenges come in different forms. For one it could be winning a game. For another it could be overcoming an economic problem. For a student it could be passing an exam with flying colours. Forms of challenges change depending on age , gender , society etc. 
Challenges never end. They come one after the other. They are like the seasons. Challenges come rolling after us till death. 
What is more important is facing up to the challenges. Some people quit their challenges. They even commit suicide being unable to face up to the challenges. Facing up to the challenges depends on one's personality. One may fail in facing up to a challenge. But failures teach us more lessons. 
So, challenges make us strong. They help us lead a successful life. Challenges are blessings in disguise. 
Sajendra Kumara

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   11)                           The best use of time
Time is a free force. Nobody can stop time. Time does not wait for anyone. It keeps ticking and ticking. Time is something that we lose and never gets back. A day has only twenty for hours and we never can change it.  
Time and age go hand in hand. So we need to manage our time for reaping better results of it. 
A timetable helps us manage our time. We can save our time by working according to a timetable. A student can  make best use of time by working according to a timetable. 
We should learn to make a list of our priorities. What is less important must be left out. By doing this we can make best use of our time.
Developing our skills is also another method we can use to make best use of our time. A skilled worker can work faster and more effectively than a non-skilled worker. 
Wasting time is worse than wasting money. Therefore we must always plan our work and make best use of our time. Time is the most precious thing in the world. 

Sajendra Kumara
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12)            Different forms of entertainment 
To 'entertain' is to keep someone happy. There are different forms of entertainment. Music , drama , dancing and watching live games are some of them. Story telling is also a popular form of entertainment. With the advent of technology forms of entertainments also have changed drastically. 
Among the many forms of entertainment watching dramas is an old form of entertainment. It is still a popular form of entertainment around the world. In a drama, actors and actresses play different roles of a story on a stage as the audience watches it. 
Films are also a popular form of entertainment. It is a modern form of entertainment. The audience watches a film on a screen. Films use modern technology to hold the attention of the audience. 
Music is a form of entertainment closer to people than any other. It is an old form of entertainment. Today musical shows use technology to the maximum. 
Man always seeks some form of entertainment to break the monotony of life. Forms of entertainment could vary from person to person. However , they help man enjoy his life.  

Sajendra Kumara


  13)                     Brain Drain
  Brain drain means the educated talented professionals leaving the country in search of greener pastures. This is also known as 'human capital flight'. Some educated people leave their motherland and serve another country. This is a common issue in most of the developing countries. Some of the professionals who leave the country are doctors , accountants , engineers and teachers. Some of them learn in a foreign country and do not return. 
   Brain drain is a serious problem for a developing country. The effect of it is not felt directly unlike the price hikes of essential commodities. The repercussions of brain drain are felt in the long run. 
  Brain drain creates a huge loss of high quality manpower. But it is an advantage for the developing countries. Developing countries have to import high quality manpower at the expense of billions of dollars to fill the vacuum. The impact created by the lack of manpower on the economy is unbearable. This is an obstacle for implementing development projects.  
 The investment on education is wasted due to brain drain. The fruits of education are reaped by another country. A country spends a large sum of money to produce a trained professional. The whole nation pumps money in the form of taxes to educate children. 
  Then why does brain drain happen? It could happen due to various reasons. Most of the talented professionals leave the country in search of better facilities. They do not have a comfortable life style in their motherland. Sometimes their salaries are low. Some of them think of the future of their children. Some people also leave the country due to political reasons and war. 
 Then what can a country do to prevent brain drain? The country must provide better facilities with higher salaries for the professionals. The government must create a comfortable and attractive life style for them. The government must always look into their grievances. Beside all these patriotic feelings must be cultivated in people. Then people will never leave their motherland in search of a better world. 
 12 / 09 /2019 

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                 Sajendra Kumara

                          "A thing of beauty is joy forever"
                              Love people - Love Nature
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14)           For a greener tomorrow say no to polythene 
   Polythene is a necessary evil in the modern world. It is one of the major threats to the ecosystem. However man continues to use polythene disregarding its threats to himself and the environment. The benefits of polythene are only momentary.
  The biggest problem is polythene is not a bio-degradable matter. In other words polythene does not decay. They remain in the environment creating a lot of problems for both man and animals. We can see polythene almost everywhere on the planet. They are found in every nook and corner in the world. Polythene is found from the top of the highest mountain to the deepest forest in the world. They pollute the beeches , parks , streets , waterways etc.
  Polythene has an adverse effect on human life. The chemicals used to make polythene can cause cancer. Recent experiments have proved this with strong evidence. They are a threat to animals, too. Burning polythene creates a lot of harmful gasses. In short, polythene is harmful to all the living beings: born and yet to be born. 
  People dump polythene very carelessly. This is really unfortunate. This causes land pollution and soil infertility. They block sewage systems causing floods and creating dengue breeding grounds. The water sources get polluted due careless dumping of polythene. 
  There must be a strict control on the use of polythene. The use of polythene must be minimized.  The 4R system is one such method. That is Recycle , Refuse , Reduce and Reuse. People must be encouraged to use reusable bags. The younger generation must also be educated on the danger of polythene. People must be encouraged to use bio-degradable materials like the man in the past did. 
   The government can play a major role in controlling the use of polythene. The authorities can impose heavy taxes on polythene and encourage people towards other materials. There must be rules and regulations with heavy penalties to discourage people using polythene. 
 We can say no to polythene and create a better environment for living. 
13 / 09 / 2019
Sajendra Kumara

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                              Environmental Pollution
  Environment means the natural world around us. Trees, animals , water , air etc. are parts of the environment. Any harm done to environment is called pollution. This is a major threat to all the living beings. Human activity is the main cause of environmental pollution.
  There are four forms of environmental pollution. They are water pollution, air pollution , sound pollution and land pollution. Environmental pollution occurs in all these four forms. 
  The rapid growth of population poses a big threat to environment. With the increasing population basic human needs also increase. The basic human needs are food, housing , clothes etc. When man tries to satisfy his needs damage to environment cannot be prevented. 
  Expansion of agricultural lands, industrialization , clearing of forest lands for development purposes etc. are some other causes of environmental pollution. Smoke from vehicles and factories , industrial waste and war also cause serious damage to environment. 
   Environmental pollution is a major problem in the modern world. As a result of pollution both man and animal fall ill. Already some animal and plant species have totally disappeared from the planet earth as a result of pollution. The world is facing a drinking water problem, too. Climatic changes also occur due to pollution. 
 So man needs to find urgent solutions for environmental pollution. Recycling of waste is just one such solution. Beside all these our younger generation must be properly educated. Strict rules and regulations must also be introduced. 
 Every living being needs a healthy environment for living. Destruction of environment is equal to killing ourselves. 

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16)                   The Simplicity in Life
  Simplicity is a great quality that everyone should observe in life. Everybody should think of simple living. It has more advantages than disadvantages for life. The benefits of simple living cannot be explained in just a few sentences. We should observe simplicity in life in our day-today activities like taking food, clothes , speech etc. 
  Simplicity in food helps us lead a healthy life. It saves us from a large number of diseases. Today most people suffer from various non communicable diseases like diabetes , high blood pressure , cancer etc. due to wrong food habits. Eating fast food in family restaurants has become a trend today. People spend lavishly on oily junk food and finally line up at medical centers. They rarely look at the green leaves in the home garden which are nutritious and life saving. 
  Besides food, there should be simplicity in clothes, too. Today people spend a lot of money on clothes. Though clothes are essential for man for covering the body and to be attractive there is no need to run after various fashions like mad dogs. We should spend according to our means. Sometimes people spend more on clothes than on food or education. 
  We should build a simple cute house for living. It must be a place where we can enjoy our lives. People start building up houses beyond their means and suffer through out life being unable to complete them during their life time. Some people fill their houses with unnecessary furniture and electronic gadgets. We should have at home only what is essential for simple living. 
 We should be simple in our speech and manners, too. We should be polite in our speech as much as possible. Our speech must be decorated with kind and honest words. 
 Most of the great people and intellectuals led a simple and a happy life. The life of Gautama Buddha, Prophet Mohammad , Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi  etc. were some of them. The secret of their success in life was simple living. 
 Simple living is a blessing for life. It is the best solution for most of our problems. 
Sajendra Kumara

17) Health Is Wealth

'Health is Wealth' is a popular saying in the society.  Wealth means money. A healthy person is a wealthy person. He has money because he can work hard . Such a person doesn't have to see the doctor frequently. 
A healthy body has a healthy mind. In other words, a healthy student can learn well. He attends school regularly. He can burn midnight oil and hit the books. He can think well. He never misses his lessons. Therefore a healthy child is a clever child. 
What can one do to be healthy? We should eat healthy food for a healthy life. We should avoid junk food and eat a balanced diet. Good eating habits keep us healthy and wealthy. They prevent us from being ill. We also should not skip our main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
Regular exercises are also a part of a healthy life. Our body needs exercises. So, we should exercise at least once a week. Lack of exercises expose one to many illnesses like diabetes , obesity , high blood pressure etc. 
A healthy person is always happy. He works very hard and earns money. A healthy person can enjoy long life. He has wealth for a long happy life.
Sajendra Kumara
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18) Cellular Phone is a Necessary Evil 
  Cellular phone or mobile phone is an ordinary household item today. It is no longer a luxury item one can boast of. They are used by the kid in the kindergarten to the grand mum at home. One can say that  mobile phones have made human relationships stronger than ever before. 
  Cellular phones are very useful for modern man. They help man save time and money. Time as well as money is an important thing for man. Cellular phone has given man the opportunity to contact anyone anywhere in the world by just pushing a button. 
 Modern cellular phones provide us many facilities such as camera, internet , SMS , GPRS etc. We can settle our bills by just pushing a button. You can engage in monetary transactions, too. 
   Cellular phones are also very useful for us in an emergency. They also serve as a protector or guide. Today, most travelers use a mobile phone as a guide. 
  But it has many disadvantages, too. Most people use mobile phones as an ornament. They spend hours to engage in useless chats. This is a waste of money and time. 
    Children are a major attraction to mobile phones. They easily get addicted to various functions of  mobile phones. For example, little children waste their precious time for playing games and browsing the internet. Some internet sites spoil little children. 
  Some people also use mobile phones for many criminal activities. Terrorist use them for their destructive activities. Cellular phones are also responsible for most of the road accidents. 
  Cellular phone is a good servant but a bad master. 
Sajendra Kumara
01 / 10 /2019
   Yapahuwa - 2019 March - RMV Students

19 Sources of knowledge 

 Knowledge is power. So man uses different sources for knowledge. Books , the internet and newspapers are the most common sources of knowledge. Dictionaries, folk lore , historical ruins etc. are also sources of knowledge. 
 Books are the most important source of knowledge. We get knowledge mainly from books. It is the oldest source of knowledge. They say a well-read man is a walking library. There are different kinds of books like religious books, literary texts , history books etc. 
 Among the many sources of knowledge the internet plays a bigger role in the modern society. It is the easiest and the fastest way to get knowledge. One can surf the internet for knowledge at a click. One can read newspapers , books , encyclopedias etc. on the internet. Then there are many different web sites which are rich in valuable information. 
 Newspapers are a popular source of information. We can know what is happening around the world from newspapers. Newspapers update our knowledge. A newspaper contains something for everyone in the family. 
 Historical ruins are also a lesser known source of knowledge. One can learn about the past and the way of life of the people and the society at that time from historical ruins. 
  Television is also a source of knowledge. It is closer to people than any other source of knowledge. Television is the most popular source of knowledge among the people. 
 Sources of knowledge contribute immensely to the progress of mankind. They educate people on different matters. Today people always think 'knowledge is power'. 

 Sajendra Kumara

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20 ) Modern technology ; advantages and disadvantages 
 The world today is different from the ancient world. This is mainly due to modern technology. Technology is a part of science. Science means knowledge. Scientists gather knowledge through various experiments and observations. How scientific knowledge is used practically is called technology. 
 Modern technology offers us many facilities. It mainly makes our work easy. Computer is the best example for this. Technology has turned the world upside down. We cannot do most of our work without technology. Technology has become an important part of human life.
  Modern technology makes our work accurate. It helps us save our time and money. One good example is cellular phone. We can contact anyone anywhere in the world by just pushing a button. 
 Man has been able to save many lives thanks to the development in medical technology. Today very few die of diseases. Hospitals are equipped with modern technology. 
 However, modern technology has disadvantages, too. It makes people physically inactive. Today most people are lazy to work because of technology. People hand over everything to machines and they have nothing to do. Technology does not leave any room for man to think. It gradually blunts man's creativity. Technology is also a cause of unemployment. Unemployment is the cause of social unrest.
 Environmental pollution is also due to modern technology.  It is one of the biggest issues man has to face in this era. It has grown to such a magnitude that already certain animal and plant species have completely disappeared from the earth. 
Modern technology has become a necessary evil in the modern society.

Sajendra Kumara - 0777597875 

21) Why should we protect public property? 
  Public property means the facilities we enjoy in common. Public property belongs to all of us. Every citizen in the country pays for building up and maintaining public property. Public transport services, schools , bus halts , roads etc. are a few examples for public property. 
  The government collects money in the form of taxes to build and maintain public property. So, everyone pays for public property. Therefore, there is a collective responsibility to protect public property.
 People have many benefits from public property. For example, the public transport services help us travel anywhere in the country. Most people do not belong personal vehicles for travelling. The bus halts shelter you from the sun and rain. The public hospitals save people from many illnesses.  Schools and universities educate the young and create the workforce for developing the country. The street lights help us at night. 
 Unfortunately, some people do not understand the value of protecting public property. They do not understand the fact that every citizen has a duty by them to protect public property. They vandalize public property. The vandals do not understand that all the citizens have to pay for it. 
  Then how can we protect public property? Specially the teenagers must be educated on public property. There must be strict rules to protect public property. Schools can play a big role in protecting public property. 
 Damaging public property can be an individual act, but its cost has to be borne by everyone. 
Sajendra Kumara
25 / 12 /2019 

  conducting a seminar
22) Why should the society respect elders? 

People who are aged over 60 to 65 are generally regarded as elders. They are also known as 'senior citizens'. Elders play an important role in the human society. 
There are many reasons for the society to respect elders. They have long served the society. The society we live today is a creation of elders.  Elders have contributed immensely for the progress of the society. They are the architects of the most of the facilities we enjoy today. 
Elders have wide experience. They also have a great wisdom. They share their experience with the society. They impart their wisdom to the society. So elders are a valuable resource to the present society. 
The society learns the traditions and customs from the elders. Elders pass down them to the younger generation. The young learns them and carry them forward. 
It is the responsibility of the society to respect and look after them. The society should show gratitude to elders. Respecting elders is a noble human quality which every religion teaches the society. 
Then how can the society respect elders? We should spare more time with  elders. We should talk with them and listen to their problems. We should also be polite to them. The society should always seek their advice. These are a few things we can do to respect our elders.
The young today are tomorrow's elders. The society should never forget this reality.
Sajendra Kumara
04/01/2020 - 0777597875  

Discipline cannot be achieved only through laws.
  Discipline means good conduct. When you have discipline you have self control. Discipline is an essential part of human life. In fact, discipline makes the difference between man and animal. We cannot work smoothly without discipline. Discipline makes people obey rules. Lack of discipline encourages bad behaviour and violence. True discipline is a quality that comes within a person. 
  Law imposes a code of conduct on people. Law is created and enforced by the government. There are law enforcement authorities. People obey law for fear of punishments. In other words, law forces people to be disciplined. That is why some people look for the loop holes in the system of law to escape punishments. Hence, true discipline cannot be achieved only through laws. Law does not address the attitudes and emotions of people. 
 Parents and elders are the first people who introduce discipline. It is a tradition that comes down generations. Home is the first place one practices discipline. Schools and religious places also play a significant role in disciplining a person. 
 Discipline is a long complex training. It is not enforced on people. It is basically self-enforced. Discipline is associated with culture , gender , age , religion , profession etc. Discipline changes the attitudes of people. The end result of discipline is good behaviour. Finally discipline creates a law abiding citizen.  
Sajendra Kumara
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24) Good Sportsmanship 

 Good sportsmanship is one of the most valuable life lessons one can learn from sports. It is a quality that any sportsperson can cultivate while enjoying the sports experience. There should be a good winner and a good loser in a game.
 A good sportsman accepts both victory and defeat in the same spirit. Victory and defeat are parts of any game. Today loser can be tomorrow's winner. A good sportsman should understand this reality. 
 Following the rules of the game is another great sportsmanship quality. One has to play fair and win the game. The true value of victory lies in fair  play. This practice leads one to be a loyal citizen. 
 Respecting each other is another good sportsmanship quality. It is an important thing to show respect to other players. It is a great human quality, too. 
 Some other qualities of good sportsmanship are respecting  judges, accepting final judgments , not getting into heated arguments , working in unity  and ending a game with a hand shake. 
 Good sportsmanship is a top human quality that remains in one's life till death. 
Sajendra Kumara


👉 Watch Video here OL Essay: Reading Is Fun

25) Reading is Fun
 Reading is one of the oldest hobbies. A hobby is something we do for fun. In the past, people had only a few forms of entertainment. The words 'television' and 'radio' were not in their vocabulary. There was no cinema. So, most people enjoyed reading. They had fun by reading. As a result, the world could see many great writers; and classics we still enjoy. 
 People select books depending on their taste and age. For example, small children have fun by reading fairy tales. Young children enjoy reading adventure stories. The young also enjoy reading romantic stories. Older people have fun by reading books on serious themes.
 People have fun by reading different materials.  People have fun by reading novels , poetry collections , newspapers , story books etc. 
 One never feel time passing when one reads a good book. A good book is a good friend. It takes us away from busy life. Reading takes us to a world of imagination. Reading makes us forget the problems of life. Hence, reading is always fun. 
 We also can improve our knowledge by reading books. As students we need a lot of reading. It helps our education. A well read student is a successful student. 
 Reading is a useful pastime. It helps us have fun and broaden our horizons. 
Sajendra Kumara.  


26 )                           How I spent the lock-down holidays
                              (Corona Holidays

   It was the 12th March. I was shocked to hear that all the schools would be closed till further notice. The government declared an island-wide curfew. Some people said that the country was 'locked down'. I did not understand anything at first. Later, my parents explained me everything. It was done to protect the country from the deadly corona virus. 
  Schools were closed while we were preparing for the first term test. However, I had a glimmer of happiness because I thought that the schools would be reopened before the end of April. So, I started working hard for the term test. But after about one week I had to give up my hopes. The situation in the country and the world was turning from bad to worse. More corona patients started reporting from the country; to add to it , there were some deaths, too. 
  Soon, teachers started sending loads of work on WhatsApp and other social media. I had a lot of work to do. Some teachers taught us online, too. It was a new experience to me. Before long, I got used to the new environment. 
 Sometimes, I helped my parents in the garden. Father made some vegetable beds. We cultivated brinjals, chilli , long beans , tomato etc. I enjoyed working in the garden. 
 We did not go out for the new year. Mother made some sweetmeats and milk rice. However, we did not have any new clothes for the new year. I wished all my friends and relations on the telephone. 
 Children had many programmes on TV. I watched most of them. My parents always encouraged me to read books. Sometimes, it was boring. I felt that I was a prisoner at home. I watched news on all the channels at night. I just wanted to know when the schools would be reopened. I was looking forward to hearing that breaking news. 
Sajendra Kumara

27)                     The Corona Pandemic
    The course of mankind changes from time to time. Sometimes it is due to war ; sometimes it is due to natural disasters ; and sometimes due to sudden outbreaks of illnesses. These events , in whatever form they appear , are turning points in the journey of human race.
     The corona pandemic is the most recent global disaster man has to face. Corona or the Covid-19 is a deadly virus which attacks human respiratory system. Mostly elderly people become a victim of this deadly virus. The Covid-19 killer started its journey from China; it killed thousands of people within a short time causing fear and panic around the world.  It is swiftly spreading around the world at the moment bringing the whole world to a virtual standstill. Over 200 countries have gone into lock down. The virus ,ironically, has dealt heavy blows on 'super-powers'. The global giants have been knelt down. More than two hundred thousand have lost their lives. The death toll is on the rise each passing minute.
    The deadly corona virus has made nations reconsider their activities. It has served the human race an eye-opener. The tiny virus has proved the world once again the unique superiority of nature. Her ability to hit back at any given moment. Human technology has been reduced to a mere mockery. Whatever man has ever invented have been brought down to the level of a dwarf. 
    The spread of the tiny virus has raised questions over highly exaggerated human concepts like globalization. Isolation has been found to be the best weapon to combat the unseen enemy. 'Lock-down' seems to be the most preferred word used to address this situation. Then comes 'social isolation': keeping distance from each other. 
     Man has to reconsider his economic plans. The concept of a national economy is gaining ground in the developing countries. The dependence on imports and exports has been found to be a serious threat for survival. This mentality had been wedged into the developing nations by the colonial masters. They had created a clan of leaders in the poor countries to make their citizens believe it. Those who spoke against were put behind bars having labeled 'traitors' , revolutionaries' or 'terrorists' . Corona has made them reverse their economic plans and trust on 'nationality'. 
    Corona has made man think of immunity. It has given lessons for reversing man's food habits. He has been reminded to be toe close to nature. The virus has also given genius people a chance to be innovative. 
     In short, the Covid-19 pandemic is a blessing in disguise. 
Sajendra Kumara

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28)  What I do to improve my knowledge  of English.
        OL Essay

   👉👉👨 For full text refer to the essays book authored by Sajendra: Get down the book to your home. : WhatsApp: 0777597875

        A web novel by Ruchi Tarin: Enjoy in your free time
                              Simply click the image.👆
29)  Child abuse
👉essay plan
What is child abuse? forms of child abuse? where does it happen? Who commit it? Why does it happen ?  How can we prevent it? Conclusion. 

                             Domestic Accidents
Domestic accidents are accidents that happen at home. Sometimes the victims of  domestic accidents end up with death or permanent disability. 
Burnings , electric shocks , falls , animal bites , poisoning etc. are some of the most common domestic accidents. Often children are the victims of domestic accidents. 
A careful analysis of the incidents of domestic accidents reveals that carelessness is the main cause of such unfortunate happenings. In other words, most of the domestic accidents could easily have been prevented. For example, most of our houses have unprotected plug holes. Little children who do not know anything of an electric shock insert fingers or pieces of metal into them. The ultimate result is horrific. Most people do not cover them or do not fix them beyond the reach of little ones until an accident happens. 
Domestic accidents also happen during festive seasons. Some elders allow little children to play with firework. Often these children get seriously injured as they don't have a good knowledge of handling them. Driven by the festive mentality both the young and the old engage in different activities to get the utmost fun. They pay zero attention to their safety. Finally, fun ends up with grief; often with loss of life. 
Domestic accidents also happen due ignorance on the part of the victims. The accidents related to electronic gadgets often happen because the user does not know how to handle them. Sometimes the user doesn't have a knowledge to read the instructional manuals. 
Domestic accidents can easily be prevented if we are a little more careful of what we do. For example, we can cover the plug holes at home. Children should not be allowed to play with firework or elders must supervise them. We can keep sharp tools, medicine , poison etc. out of reach of little children. Poison , chemicals , medicine can be labeled or stored in a separate place. 
One should also pay attention to safety when constructing a house. The advice and guidance of an architect is most required. 
Children must also be educated with regard to harms that could happen to them at home. The school can play an important part here. 
Domestic accidents can easily be prevented if we are a little more carful of what we do.  
 Sajendra Kumara

31) OL Essay
Advantages and disadvantages of online education
What is online education? 'Online education', simply, means learning using the internet. This is a form of distant education. The student learns at home looking at a computer or a smartphone screen. The teacher and the student are not physically present in the classroom. 
Online education can be described as a giant step forward made in the field of distant education. Though online education is not new to the world, it comes into popularity with the current global pandemic: Covid-19. 
Online education has many advantages. It can be used in situations like pandemics , war , natural disasters etc. In such situations, often , schools and universities have to be closed to guarantee the safety of the children. The corona pandemic is the best example for it. 
The young needs to be protected as well as educated. The future of human race depends on the young.  Online education has been found to be the best remedy for this problem. 
Online education is a very effective tool in maintaining social distancing among students. It is an important measure in preventing infectious diseases turning into an epidemic level among students. Online education prevents close contact among children , thereby reducing the risk of children getting infected. 
Further, online educational programmes  can be conducted at any time of the day. Therefore it saves time and money. It cuts off the cost of travelling both on the part of the teacher and the parents. The time spent for travelling can be used for learning. So, it is a very productive and economical mode of education. 
Online education has disadvantages, too. One of them is the availability of online facilities. One needs a computer or a smartphone to engage in online learning. Both the student and the teacher need to have access to uninterrupted internet facilities.  
One other disadvantage in online education is it makes the learner a passive listener. The teacher rarely gets the feedback of the student. It is an obstacle for the teacher to plan the lessons to best suit the student. The teacher cannot move into remedial measures to support the students. 
There is minimum individual attention in an online class. It is basically a teacher centered class room situation. There is also less room for group activities which is an important part in the learning process. 
Long time indulgence in online learning could cause eye problems in both the learner and the teacher. The monotonous nature of the classroom reduces the student's interest in the lesson. As the student learns in an isolated environment, it could have a psychological impact on him or her, too. 
The learner lose the opportunity of cultivating good human qualities like sharing , caring and helping each other in an online classroom. 
Though online education is the best substitute in a pandemic or similar situation, it is not the best method for long time learning. 

Sajendra Kumara 

32) OL 2016 - Model Answer
          My ideas about different types of entertainment.

33) A book I have  enjoyed most

      👲essay plan
         The name of the book, the writer , the type of the book etc.
         About the writer
         The story in short
         An incident that attracted you most
         What you learnt from it
         Why you like it? 
I have read many books. Among them the book I have enjoyed most is Oliver Twist. It is a children's novel written by Charles Dickens. 
Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English writers........
(👉The complete essay is now available in the Essays Book published by Sajendra)

34) A healthy  life style. : OL Essay

A healthy life style means living in a good physical and mental condition. It is an essential thing to lead a successful and happy life. A healthy life guarantees one long life. 
Eating a balanced diet and regular exercises are two most important practices one should follow in maintaining a healthy life style. Cleanliness is..................
For full text - 👉Refer to The Essays Book authored by Sajendra.
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 35) Our responsibility towards preventing Covid-19
       👦Essay Plan
Introduction: What's Covid-19
Wearing a facemask
Cleaning our hands
Social distancing
If you feel unwell stay at home
Covid-19 is a viral disease. It is a highly communicable disease. Covid-19 has already taken away millions of valuable lives. Until a permanent vaccine is found, the human society has to live with this deadly virus. So, every individual has a responsibility to prevent the spread of Covid-19. 
Covid-19 usually spreads from the droplets of an.........
For full text - 👉Refer to The Essays Book authored by Sajendra. 
You can get down the book to your HOME .
36) Sports as an important part of a student's life (OL 2018)
37) Effects of polythene (Speech) OL 2018 💓

The Value of Reading
Reading is a valuable habit that one needs to cultivate in life. An old saying says 'reading makes a full man'. A well-read man is known as a walking library. Such a man is a knowledge hub. Everyone respects well-read people. 
There are different reading materials. Some of them are .........
👉 For full text refer to Sajendra's Essays Book. Now updated with   60+ essays. Also this essay is available in Diagnostic Papers Book -3
👨Describing Venn Diagrams
     Way to Win Part 10 free download  👇👇
(Learn to describe a graph)  


Let's write personal note: 
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39) How I planned to make myself successful at the G.C.E. OL Exam. 
The OL exam is an important milestone in a student's life. A student needs good planning and dedication to pass an exam with flying colours. A good result at the OL exam opens the doors for many opportunities. 
I had many plans to to make myself successful at the OL exam. Among them making best use of my time was the most important thing. I always dedicated my time for my studies. 
I made a timetable and..........
👉 Full text available in the updated Essays book. Call Sajendra or Simply leave a message on WhatsApp- 0777597875
40) Healthy food for a happy life. ( Speech ) 
Dear teachers and friends, I'm here to talk about an important topic for everyone. My topic is 'Healthy food for a happy life'. In other words, unhealthy food makes us ill. Healthy food saves us from all kinds of diseases and leads to a happy life. 
Why should we avoid unhealthy food? Unhealthy food leads us to numerous health problems. For example.......
👉refer to the Essays book for full text. Leave a message on WhatsApp 0777597875
Model Essay On Regular Exercises| OL

41) Physical fitness and the value of exercises

A healthy body has a healthy mind. So, a healthy child can learn well. A healthy man can work well and earn well. Hence, an old saying says, 'health is wealth'. 
Physical fitness is an important thing for all the men and women to lead a healthy life. Physical exercises are important for physical fitness. Physical fitness depends on ............
👉 Full text available in the Essays Book 
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42) Waste is a resource 
Waste or garbage is produced by man. Every human being adds some amount of waste to the environment every day. It happens from birth to death.
Disposal of waste has become a serious problem in the world. Waste causes environmental pollution. Then human beings fall ill. It is a threat to the survival of all other living beings, too. 
However, the modern world looks at waste as a resource. We can reuse the waste we produce. This is called recycling of waste. We can use the recycled waste for manufacturing different kinds of goods. By recycling waste we can protect our environment. Some countries produce even electricity by burning waste. It is an advantage for both man and environment. 
Waste is a problem in every school, too. Children bring polythene , bottles , papers , food etc. to school. The waste in schools make the school environment ugly.
But schools can turn their waste into into a resource. School should instruct children to separate the waste they dump. Scraps of food and paper can be turned into compost manure. The school can easily use them for the plants in the school garden. Polythene and bottles can be collected and sent to a recycling plant. It could bring an extra income to the school for funding various environment friendly projects. Also some plastic bottles can be used as flower pots and other decorations. This practice is known as upcycling. 
By properly managing waste, we can turn it into a resource.  
Watch Video: Forests in Sri Lanka, Let's protect them. 
Forests in Sri Lanka: Let's protect them
Sri Lanka is a tropical island. This means Sri Lanka is blessed with sunlight all around the year. The climate in the island is suitable for the existence of the fauna and flora. Hence Sri Lanka is gifted with different types of forests: dryland forests , wetland forests , rainforests etc. ............contd. 
👉For full text refer to the essays book authored by Sajendra. 
44) 👩👲👧
                             The Frog Prince (retold by Sajendra)

45) A speech for OL: A healthy body has a healthy mind.
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An essay for General English
-Advantages and disadvantages of mixed schools.
OL Essay : Speech 
47) Let's prevent dengue
     Hon. Chairperson, secretary and members of the Health Society of Vidyaloka Vidyalaya. First, I should thank you for giving me the privilege to address you on a timely topic. That is 'Let's Prevent Dengue'. 
Well, children, as you know, dengue is a deadly disease. It has no specific treatment. Our body itself has to fight against it. Every year, this deadly disease takes away hundreds of valuable lives. Specially, children like you are the easy victims of this disease. 
What's dengue? Well, dengue is a viral disease. It is spread by a mosquito. Dengue mosquitoes carry the dengue virus from person to person. 
As health authorities say, dengue mosquitoes are most active during the day time. They lay eggs in clean water. Usually, dengue reaches and epidemic level with the end of rainy season. 
Where do they breed? They breed in empty tins, cans , coconut shells etc. A very small amount of water is quite sufficient for the dengue mosquitoes to breed. They also breed well in garbage dumps and drains. 
Then how can we prevent the spread of dengue? We can easily prevent dengue by destroying their breeding places in our environment. That means, we need to maintain a clean environment for preventing dengue. Really, my children , we must kill the killer before it kills us. 
Well, I hope now you understand we can easily prevent dengue. Thank you very much for giving me a patient ear
     👇 Model English Activity Paper for Paper 1
        Diagnostic Type Paper 
Model English Activity Paper 3
Diagnostic Type Model Paper for Paper 1
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👰 Western Province OL PRACTICE PAPER 2022👇
48)  OL MODEL ESSAY : Outdoor Activities 

                      Let's write a Dialogue for OL
Based on the OL Paper 2022(2023) 
👉Facts to remember
The content of the dialogue must be interesting. 
Use natural language. 
Do not use lengthy complex sentences. 
Use contracted forms as much as possible.
You were playing cricket in your home garden with your friends and accidentally broke a window of your neighbour's house. Your neighbour wanted to complain to your parents. Describe what happened and how you apologized your neighbour and solved the problem.

A story for OL
(Based on the OL Paper 2022(2023
👉Facts to remember
The contents of the story should be interesting. 
There should be an appropriate beginning and end. 
Pay attention to the length of the story. 
You were playing cricket in your home garden with your friends and accidentally broke a window of your neighbour's house. Your neighbour wanted to complain to your parents. Describe what happened and how you apologized your neighbour and solved the problem.

OL 2022 (2023)- Model Essay 
 'Advantages and disadvantages in studying in a foreign country'
-better learning opportunities
-sharing experiences with people from different cultures.
-learning to work independently
-Being away from family
-Experiencing climatic changes
-Reluctance to return to the native country etc.
52) OL Model English Speech 
      OL English Paper 2022(2023)

Kanneliya, Sri Lanka

Question: OL 2022(2023)
You have been selected to represent Sri Lanka in an international Student Conference. Write the speech you would make at the conference to introduce your country to the audience.
Include the following:
Introduction of yourself and your country
Description of customs, traditions and festivals.
Description of attractive / historical places
An appropriate conclusion.
53) Essay (Now available in the updated essays book)
          Good human qualities 
    Essays facts
    Qualities that make a person appreciated by the society.
    Honesty                Respecting each other
    Loyalty                 Courtesy 
    Empathy               Harmony etc. 
Qualities that make a person appreciated by the society are known as good human qualities.  A person who possesses good human qualities is a great human being.................... 
54) OL English Essay: 
Advantages of learning a foreign language
   If you want to keep up with the modern world, you have to learn a foreign language. It has a multitude of personal benefits. The benefits could vary from person to person. Learning a most widely used foreign language  is the most beneficial to the learner. 
   Today, man lives in a global village. Technology has made the world a small place. A knowledge of foreign language helps people communicate with each other.  It helps people reap the true benefits of living in a global village. 
    Learning a foreign language improves our relationship with the outer world. It has a profound impact on our relationship with the global community.  It guarantees social security, too.  
     Learning a foreign language enhances a person's personality, too. A foreign language learner has an opportunity to improve knowledge. Such a person is respected by the society. 
    Scientists say that learning a foreign language improves a person's brain power.  A foreign language learner has to memorize new words, phrases , sentences patterns etc. It is a test of memory. 
     Travel and tourism is a major industry in the modern world. Tourism deals with different people in the world. Hence, a knowledge of a foreign language is an essential part in tourism. 
         A knowledge of a foreign language helps one survive well in the society.  Otherwise, people will have to live like a frog in the well. 
Advantages of participating in extra-curricular activities. 
(OL Essay)

The outline of the essay. 
Extra-curricular activities are events that a student participates in outside of regular classroom learning. They can  be participating in clubs and associations, sports ......
Extra curricular activities come with a number of benefits.
Extra-curricular activities develop a stronger mind in different ways than through......
They also provide an opportunity for students to interact ...
The experience a student gains through extra-curricular activities become useful ....
Extra-curricular activities make academic learning interesting. 
(The complete essay is available in the new edition of the Essays Book.)
Watch the video

55) An essay for OL | a speech | A model speech for OL
Topic - Let's save power and energy sources 
Write a speech you would make at the school morning assembly on 'Let's save power and energy'.  
Essay plan
* Starting the speech | Introduction of the topic 
* The sources of power and energy | What are they ? 
* The uses of power and energy
* Why should we save them? 
* How can we save them? 
* Advantages of saving power and energy. 
* Conclusion. 
  Rev Sir, principal , dear teachers and friends. First, I wish everyone a  very good morning! I am glad to be able to address you all in this lovely morning. Well, I have selected a timely topic for my speech today. My topic is 'Let's save power and energy'. 
   First, I would like to draw your attention to the different sources of power and energy we use in the world today.  What are they really? Some of them are fossil energy like oil , coal and natural gas ; nuclear energy ; and renewable energy like solar , geothermal and hydropower. 
   What are these sources of energy used for then? We use them for numerous purposes like transportation, industrial activities , electricity generation etc. We also use them for different household work like cooking , pumping water , lighting up etc. 
   Friends, do not forget the fact that we live in an era of technology.  Machines do most of the human activities. Among them computer plays a major role in the society. Scientists have also been able to move into the outer space, too. The advances in the field of communication is unimaginable. All these miracles have been possible  thanks to the availability of different sources of power and energy.  
  I hope I have already given you the answer for the reason for saving power and energy. Well, one reason is the depletion of nonrenewable sources of energy like fossil fuel. Also the cost of generating power and energy is very high. Therefore , unless  we save the available sources of energy the world could face an energy crisis in the near future. Then everyone would have to face immense hardships. 
  Then how can we save power and energy? What can we do for that my friends?  We can simply start it from home. For example we can use energy efficient home appliances. Also we can switch to a renewable energy source like solar power.  We also can replace light bulbs with energy efficient LED bulbs.  
  Well, let's have a look at the advantages we can enjoy as a result of saving energy.  The most important thing is we can save money. It also helps us protect our environment. It delays the depletion of fossil fuel, too. Saving energy helps the economy of a country at large.  
  Finally, I would like to invite you to think of saving power and energy and help build a better world for future generations. Thank you! 
56) How does participation in adventure sports help us face challenges? 
| OL Essay | Target essays for OL | Adventure sports 
Watch the complete essay | Audio visual presentation.| free. 
Clean Sri Lanka, a country with smiling people. 
A useful essay on a timely topic. 😊
OL English Essay
The essay contains the following pints.
👉 The concept of a clean Sri Lanka has been a subject for discussion for a long time.
👉 The aim of Clean Sri Lanka project
👉 The framework of the project.
👉 The Social Pillar
👉 The Environment Pillar
👉 The Ethical Pillar
👉  The responsibility of all the Sri Lankans.
         Find essay here👇

Dear readers,
The essays published on this page are available in  a booklet. If you wish, you can purchase it and encourage me more towards this work. The booklet can be purchased on COD. Thanks.
Sajendra Kumara

 A model question book for OL is available. All the activities have been tested with students. Call Sajendra on 0777597875

To be continued

Revised price: 1300


Unknown said...

so useful. Thanks. Pls upload grade 11 whole paper.

Anonymous said...


EDSODA said...

it's a great effort

Unknown said...

Thank you very much!

Unknown said...

Very essential

Anonymous said...

No essays about drug abuse

Unknown said...

Thank u for this service 😊

Unknown said...

They are useful,thanks,but I need more like essays on transfortatran

Unknown said...


BEd Management Rasangika Jayamini said...

Very importent and simple essays.
Appreciate a lot.

Unknown said...

Very useful essays.

Hemanuvan Karunadasa said...


Unknown said...

Good luck.really very helpful.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Meka lamainta hodai

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It's really good job.please add some more essays.

Unknown said...

Good for all the student

napanajuniorschool said...

Excellent work. Good luck

Sajendra Kumara said...

Yes..thanks for the comment.

Sajendra Kumara said...


razana said...

Nice and useful work
Good for all students
Good luck write more

Sajendra Kumara said...
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Unknown said...

Great work sir.thank you

Sajendra Kumara said...

Welcome...your comments always encourage me. Keep on contact I hope to continue more.

Dishna Ranasinghe said...

its great...

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thanks Razana. They have been written to suit the OL exam paper.

Unknown said...

Tnx for this

Unknown said...

Thank you very much your service. I am in grade 11

Unknown said...

Great work sir

Anonymous said...

this website is very helpful and gives many advantages thank you very much sir


Very suitable essays for exams. Well done.

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thank you very much

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thanks Ms. Disna

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thanks dear student

Unknown said...

The essays are very useful.thanks sir

Sasindu said...

Very helpfuly thank you sir

Sajendra Kumara said...

Welcome. Hope to continue. keep in touch.

Unknown said...

It is enough to prepare us for these topics?

Sajendra Kumara said...

You need to prepare for more essays based on the syllabus.

Unknown said...

Sir I want to be a English is important in this days?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

suppe thath esays were exelent thanyo somuch

Unknown said...

😃😃😃😃😃😃thank you very much your essays are beautiful

Unknown said...

The essays are very useful. Thanks sir!

Unknown said...


Fenas said...

It's me your well-wisher.

Unknown said...

thank you very much your essays are beautiful

Sajendra Kumara said...

Hi...I will call you soon.

Unknown said...

Great job. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sir

Unknown said...

Thankz sir

Unknown said...

Fast food essay want

Unknown said...

Good job sir...your essays are very beautiful.������������

Unknown said...

superb...very nice sir...

Unknown said...

Super it is use for grade 10 and 11 students.

Unknown said...

Woww your essays are soo useful to everyone mostly for o/L students...😊😊😊😊

Unknown said...

Today is my o/l your essays are help for me thank you very much

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thanks. keep in touch . Hope to publish more.

Sajendra Kumara said...

I will publish one soon.

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thank you. Keep in touch. Hope to contribute more in future.

Unknown said...

I am ol student it is very usefull for me. Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Thank you I want a essay why a society should respect it's elders

Sajendra Kumara said...

Thanks my dear student.

Unknown said...

Thank you.

Sajendra Kumara said...

your essay has been published. Sorry for the delay. Hope to continue more. Keep in contact.

Unknown said...

Very very useful essays thank u very much Sir

sobia said...

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Unknown said...

It is a great assistance for conducting classes thanks sir

Unknown said...

Sir 2020 ta target essay dana

Unknown said...

Very important page sir...thank you..I'm grade 11 student

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Mr.Surendra.good job.😁

Masha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Masha said...

thank you very much sir..

Lahiru said...

Thanks sir

Unknown said...

Niyamai Niyamai sir 👏👏

Unknown said...

thank u sir

Unknown said...

thank u sir

bandula phone said...

Thanx sir.this is very helpful for us🙏🙏😁😁😁

Unknown said...

Good job sir...!
I want an essay "The impact of covid 19 pandemic on Sri Lanka"

Unknown said...

නියමයි sir🙏🙏🙏🙏👌

kumara said...

superb. thanks

Unknown said...

Superb Sir 👌 it's very useful

Unknown said...

Thank you very much sir 👌👍🙏

Anonymous said...

Very full

Unknown said...

Such a grt wrk

Unknown said...

Very useful

Unknown said...

Thank u sir

aakaliyan said...

Thank you so much it is really helpful to my exams

Unknown said...

Amazingly useful ! Great Job !

Unknown said...



Ela said...

Great Post !!! Also now you can do online MCQ tests from here and see your results instantly Thanks ....

Unknown said...

This essays are very valuable to me for improve my English knowledge as well as possible... Thank you so much for your service.. I'm highly appreciated it...Wish your future be fortunate..💯💯📚📚📚🥳🥳🥳

Unknown said...

These essays are very important to me to improve my English knowledge as well as possible... I'm highly appreciated your service!!!! I wish sir your all dreams come true... Thank you so much sir....📚📚🥳🥳💯💯💯👏👏👏👏🤝🤝

Unknown said...

Great work sir!!

Unknown said...

Very useful sir.I want essay on important of learning foreign language ,the numerous use of technology and online learning

Unknown said...

So useful.thank you very much

Unknown said...

Thanks for your valuable essays sir

Unknown said...

Thanks for your valuable essays sir

Unknown said...

I read these essays N I felt one of these topics will definitely be there in our 2020 O/L exam for sure. So Thank u so much sir. I got lots of ideas about various topics. Again Thank u so much.

Unknown said...

Actually these are very important and helpful essays collection.. thank you very much sir..

Unknown said...


Rajkumar said...

How can I get these PDF version?
(From Dubai)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. You are doing a great service.

Unknown said...

you are great sir.
we welcome you.
your all notes are very useful.
thank you very much.
May god bless you sir.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much sir! Great job. I belive this collection is very valuble for every O/L students.

Unknown said...

Thank you sir for this great job for us

Unknown said...

Very useful


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Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Sir. You are such a great man.

Unknown said...

Very useful and thanks

Anonymous said...

These are very useful. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

great!!! sir, thank so much. it is very useful to me to face the o/l examination.

rashmi said...

thank sir

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir! It is very useful to improve my English knowledge. I believe this essay is very useful for every students. I got lots of ideas for this topic.

Rila Rasmeen said...

Your essay captivates with its profound insights and eloquent presentation. Well done on crafting such a compelling and thought-provoking piece!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sir! It's very useful to us.becouse we don't know how to write essays but now I watch your page and I understand some English learning methods thank you!❤😍

Anonymous said...

It's a great service. Excellent

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