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Friday, May 8, 2020


Buddhism: The correct guidance to perfection in humanity. 

The objective of this page is to help you.

  * Learn The Buddhist Thinking
  * Improve your knowledge of English related to Buddhism    

                                                     The Birth of a noble son

    1) Where did King Suddhodana live?
   2) Where did the Devas carry the queen? 
   3) What colour was the elephant ?
   4) How many times did the elephant walk round the bed? 
   5) What did the queen do the following morning? 

1) What did the wise men say? 
2) Why did the queen leave the palace after 10 months?
3) Where did the queen's parents live? 
4) What day was it? 
5) How did the queen travel?
6) In which year did this historic incident take place? 

        1) How many wise men attend the naming ceremony? 
        2) What is the name of the wise man mentioned here? 
        3) What is the meaning of the name "Siddartha"?  
1)Were there schools like we have today at that time?
2) Who could learn from teachers? 
3) Name a few subjects they learnt ?
4) Who was prince Siddhartha's teacher? 

If you want to enjoy true freedom , then give up your attachments: attachments that give you sensual pleasures. Once you are devoid of your attachments then you become as free as the wind. 

One who lives according to the five precepts leads a successful life. 


   1) Name the three palaces the father king built for his son? 
   2) Why did the father king want to find his son a wife?
   3) Did the king choose a princess for his son? 
   4) What did the prince give each princess? 
   5) Who was chosen as the wife? 
   6) What did the prince give Yasodara? 

           to be continued.........

                                                              Sajendra - 0777597875 

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